Value Of Sustaining (With Or Without Vibrato)

One of the fundamentals of singing is to understand that singing is of a particular duration.  

One sings a pitch and it is going to be sustained for some length of time, whether that be a little time or a long time.  The value of a Sustaining Exercise with the singer sustaining the pitch for longer amounts of time is an increased:

  1. ability to maintain healthy muscle balance,
  2. ability to maintain a steady airflow, and
  3. development of muscle. 

Of course, a sustaining exercise on one pitch can be combined with movement up and down the scale. Then, the focus will also include how to sing a legato line and create beautiful musical phrases!

Allen Rascoe

about the author

Allen Rascoe Allen has been enjoying singing since he was a little kid. He officially studied voice at ECU and USC. However, he ran... Read More
