

Full Voice . . . What Is It?

by Allen Rascoe on August 7, 2018

There has seemingly been quite a bit of confusion concerning all these different terms we use to describe the voice - how it works and ...

Pure Falsetto

by Allen Rascoe on August 6, 2018

Pure Falsetto has these characteristics: breathy, lacking in tonal vitality, duration of 2-3 seconds, technically can be only one note at a time, and only ...

“Nasal Resonance”

by Allen Rascoe on August 5, 2018

A common myth concerns the nose and what has been termed nasal resonance.   First, we must understand that a good resonator is able to ...

“Projecting the Voice”

by Allen Rascoe on August 4, 2018

A common myth concerns the manner of, and focus on, projecting the voice.   One does not project from the diaphragm nor from the chest ...

Lack Of Chest Voice

by Allen Rascoe in Addressing Common Faults on August 3, 2018

A common vocal fault that appears in certain singers is when the texture of sound we call the "chest voice" does not really seem to ...

“Navigate the Passaggio”

by Allen Rascoe on August 3, 2018

A common myth that can worry many a singer is that of the "Passagio."   This term means passage. It has been thought of as ...

“Vowel Modification Is the Way”

by Allen Rascoe on August 2, 2018

A common myth concerns vowel modification as the main method of training; supposedly unifying the registers and navigating the top.   It is true that ...

“Covering the Top”

by Allen Rascoe on August 1, 2018

A common myth meant to be helpful is that of “Covering” - related to vowel modification and how much to round or darken the vowels ...

Stuck In Mouth

by Allen Rascoe in Addressing Common Faults on July 31, 2018

Getting stuck seems to be an all too common vocal issue.   One way to get stuck is to get stuck in the mouth. Well, ...

Breathing In Overabundance Of Air

by Allen Rascoe in Addressing Common Faults on July 28, 2018

Taking in too much air.  A common fault? Is it even possible?  Don't we want to have a lots of air so that we can ...